Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Random Stuff!

So I have been up to a lot of random things over the past two months, but mainly I have just been too busy to focus on anything but school, organizations, and squeezing in a little friend time! Here are some pics of random things I have done with captions underneath!

Eric, Andrew, Sephra, and I tried going to Hopdoddy's a famous hamburger place, but then we ended up going to Mighty Fine Burger and Fries because they had a smaller line!
Look it's Kevin!! And Eric creeping in the back ground...

 James and I volunteered at ExploreUT! It was a huge open house, and each of the engineering groups put on some sort of activity! James' group mixed cornstarch and water and put it on a sub (speaker) and you could see it harden and soften due to the vibrations! My group dissected toys and taught kids how things work!

 One day James, Eric and I went to a Vietnamese sandwich shop, and we ordered sandwiches that taste suspiciously like Vietnamese Pho. After we went to a driving range, and also practiced some putting! Eric is demonstrating how you have to squat really really low if you want to use a kiddie putter. 

Jimmy, Andrew, Eric, James and I went to Kerbey Lane one night after we finished taking tests! Super fun hanging out with these geeky guys :) They didn't know I was taking these pics... so they all look pretty derpy in them!
Sephra and I also went to some parties during an event called Roundup! I am reppin' my spirit group, Texas Bluebonnets!
In the other picture, Sephra is hanging out at the Phi Kapp party with a bunch of my MechE friends from class!

Last picture is with this guy! James and I had some awesome brunch this past weekend at then infamous IHOP! He demolished the mexican omelette and two pancakes he ordered, while I stuck to two pancakes, two eggs, and some bacon! Let's just say one of us wasn't feeling too well after we ate, and it wasn't the person taking the picture ;)


Well that awesome week that I have heard so much about is here! Here is a quick schedule of the events I participated in over the past week!

Saturday Feb. 15: Puzzleception, Scavenger Hunt: Build a UT Monopoly game board, Hug 7 people in your dorm, eat Chik Fil A in Raisin Canes, build a resume for future Dean of Engineering, wear an ice skater suit.

Monday Feb. 17: Musical Chairs (ASME got 2nd!), ASME 500 (an event I planned and ran), Charades, study for tests :(

Wednesday Feb. 19: ASME Knockout (a basketball game), Thermodynamics test, Statics test.

Thursday Feb. 20: Trivia game, ASME Capture the Flag (another event I helped plan!), after which I was exhausted from standing in the sun for 3 hours! I also got to see my sister,  when she was touring the Capitol building for a Leadership Group she is in!

Friday Feb. 21: Texas Bluebonnets info Session, then I left for home!

I hadn't been home in almost two months, so it was great to see my family and catch up with them! Also I had to pick up all of my snow gear, because I was heading up to Utah for Spring Break!

One of the events for the scavenger hun was "highest stack of pennies", so we went to the top of RLM (17 floor math building) and took a picture!

Sorry for the late posts, I am just trying to catch up!