Friday, February 7, 2014

Snowpocalypse Part 4!

Well, classes got cancelled...again. We have not had a full week of classes yet since the start of the semester! So far we have had a Friday, Tuesday, half of a Thursday(yesterday), and today (Friday) off. As nice as it is to do whatever I want and sleep in until whenever, I don't like missing so many lectures. Teachers end up having to rush all of their lectures, and we get super behind on homework.. oh well.
On the bright side, I have been able to keep up with the Olympics, with the help of my ultimate Olympic schedule excel spreadsheet of course! I have been playing a lot of Bananagrams (scrabble like game), doing laundry, applying to the one job on the ECAC (engineering career assistance center) that I qualify for, and helping plan events. This weekend is somewhat packed, I have a Blazer Tag ASME social tonight, tomorrow I am volunteering at MathCOUNTs with ASME, and Sunday I am going to see Sweeney Todd at the Bates Hall! Then a week of freedom/studying, followed by the start of E-Week/Engineering Day at the Museum, an Economics test, a Statics test, and a Thermodynamics test (the Statics/Thermo test are the exact same time so I have to ask for a change in time). E-Week will conclude with Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (an event I attended when I was in high school), Dr. Ramshorn (the male/female engineering beauty pageant), maybe a trip home? and then a DiffEq Calculus test the next Tuesday. By the way, E-Week stands for Engineering Week, an all out battle between all of the engineering organizations, where each organization puts on a couple of field day like events and also the ultimate scavenger hunt! I have seen items on the scavenger hunt list from the past, like get a tattoo, find a corp member to give you a hook 'em, and do a backflip, so it gets pretty intense. Being the ASME representative, I had to plan three events for E-Week, so we are doing Knockout (Basketball game), ASME 500 (build a lego car), and Capture the Flag! It is all very exciting, but I am sure I will be much more focused on my three tests unfortunately...
That's about it for now, I am definitely missing my family and friends, I know both of my parents have been trying to catch flights and travel during the "crazy snow" in Houston/El Paso/Dallas.. Hopefully I can go home soon. But it has still been fun in Austin, especially making new friends, well a new friend that is! Anyways, that's all for now.


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