Whew, I have made it through and I am home now! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, and I really don't have the time or patience to explain everything I have been up to! The basics: Thanksgiving, last week of classes, finals. The fillers: Volleyball games, football games, parents visiting, Amy's Ice Cream, hanging out with high school friends, all day study sessions, lots of Christmas Lights, eating out as much as possible, freezing cold, ridiculous 80 degree weather, tests, tests, projects, more tests, and surviving my first semester of college!
I am just going to put in some pictures, because I really don't know how to explain everything that has been up, nor do I remember everything I have done!
My friends and I began attending some of the volleyball games, my roommate Sephra and Eric are in the top photo, and my friends from the Visionaries are in the second photo.
The Visionaries also had movie night in Calloway House, we are all throwing up the "V" sign in this picture!
It's been very cold and rainy, Sephra, Eric, Andrew, and I have been layering up and grabbing the umbrellas!
Over the break I got to catch up with my friends from high school. It was so great seeing everyone again, and I especially loved seeing my biffles once more :)
This is my MechE friend, Ashley! We went to one of the super packed TA sessions for chemistry, we actually had to sit on the stairs bc there were not enough seats!
^our attitude towards studying for finals. (Yes Twerk is written all over that page courtesy of me)
There weren't many photos of finals week, but basically all I did was study in my room all day. But when I got home I saw Marshall, Colton, and Alan (not pictured) at the high school Christmas concert!
I took James to see my sister's play at the high school, I am not sure if he knows I took this picture :)
James and I also went to a Rockets game! Rockets vs Mavs, we unfortunately lost :/
Lots of Mexican train was played at my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve!
My parents, James, and I attended the Alamlo Bowl! Texas vs. Oregon, final score 30-7 Oregon. Hook'em!
That sums things up pretty well, I am on the road back from the game right now (New Years Eve), then I will leave for a Leadership Camp in the next week and back to school!